From the CEO

Dear visitor,

I am Hayk Avetikyan and I am the founder of the German-Armenian Organization for Digital Cooperation AVETIKYAN CONSULTING. I was born in Yerevan, Armenia and have received my PhD Degree in Business Negotiations in English. I have studied American Studies at Roanoke College in the USA. In 2013 I moved to Germany to complete my second Master’s Degree in Global Studies at the University of Leipzig fully financed by Erasmus Mundus Scholarships Program. The award of the German citizenship in April 2020 rounded off my professional career in Germany.

I have worked on scientific research on competency management and professionalization at the Fraunhofer Institute for International Management and Knowledge Economy. It did not take me long in this position to decide and enrich my career as a data analyst and later as an IT consultant at an international company with representation in Halle (Saale) in 2016. In result of this decision and based on my diverse work experience I gradually started dedicating myself to my ultimate goal.

As a German-Armenian, I always wanted to bring our societies closer together. I am now pleased to say that I have achieved the first milestone of my goal: many programmers from Armenia are employed now by German companies under my professional supervision. I would like to thank our partners who trusted and started cooperating with us. A successful business cooperation is the best way for a long-term sustainable relationship and rapprochement of our societies.

In order to further develop our cooperation, me and my team will do the undoable. Use our expertise. Ask us about new IT experts or experienced senior programmers. We are there for you day and night.